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Plugin Name: XMap Plugin

Availability: Zap Calendar Pro

Purpose: To display Zap Calendar events in site maps generated by the XMap component


Note: This plugin is compatible with XMap version 2.2 and Joomla version 1.6 and above.  It is not compatible with Joomla version 1.5.

Install the XMap component if it is not already installed.  Install and enable the Zap Calendar plugin for XMap, which can be found in the XMap folder of plugins.

The following options are available in the plugin settings for the Zap Calendar XMap plugin:

Under Basic Settings:

Filter events - Choose from either "all events", "all future events", or one of the "next" options (i.e., "next 7 days", "next 30 days", etc.). Only "all events" includes events that have already passed.  For future events, the calendar and global settings date limit overrides any filter setting.  For example, if the filter setting specifies "next 180 days", and the global settings only allows display of events up to 30 days into the future, then the xmap will only show 30 days of future events.

Under Xml Site Settings:

Event Priority - Choose to use either the parent event priority or select a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

Event Change Frequency - Choose to use either the parent menu setting or select one of the frequency options.  This value tells robots how frequently events are added or modified.

See for more information on the XMap component for Joomla.  This plugin is included with Zap Calendar Pro starting with version 3.0.17 .