Z Content has been developing Joomla applications for over 10 years.  Our goal has been to create open source, quality applications that are fully featured and with no restrictions on how they are used or the number of sites they can be installed on. That was true over 10 years ago and it is still true today.

In addition to our paid Joomla applications, we have three high quality applications that are free and we are very proud of them. Download and try them out today. Our free Joomla applications are:


zapweather200Zap Weather was our first Joomla application and displays USA weather information on a Joomla site with "no commercial interruptions", which means there is no links to commercial weather services in the application.  This is true because the weather data comes from the United State government, where you, the taxpayer has already paid for it with your tax dollars. Zap Weather was available starting with Joomla 1.x over 10 years ago. It has gone through several major rewrites since then and the current version supports Joomla 3.x.

zapcalendarlitebox200rZap Calendar Lite provides a robust calendar system for a Joomla site.  Although the name says "Lite", the application comes with over 6 add-ons, including add-ons for displaying upcoming events, a mini-month display and even the display of moon phases on the calendar. The Lite version also supports automatic posting of events to a Facebook page that you manage, a feature not found on any other calendar, paid or free.  Other paid versions of Zap Calendar are available with over 30 add-ons and additional themes.

zauditsmallZap Audit Lite is our newest Joomla application and gives an administrator peace of mind knowing that their Joomla site is free from hacked files. Zap Audit Lite looks in the Joomla filesystem for added files, files modified in the Joomla folders and several other file checks. If the lite version finds issues, you can use one of the other Zap Audit versions to pinpoint the hacked files as well as perform a best practices check and proactive monitoring.