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Plugin Name: JomComment

Availability: Zap Calendar Pro

Purpose: To allow site users to comment on events using the JomComment application ( ).  Comments will be posted and displayed in the event page.  The number of comments posted for an event can be seen in the day, week, month, list and upcoming calendars.


After installing and enabling the plugin, you can customize this plugin in the following ways:

View Settings: select the plugin tab to enable or disable the JomComment plugin for the view. You can enable the JomComment plugin for all events or only those you enable through the event settings.

Event Settings: Use the plugin tab in the event editor to turn on JomComment for the event.


Other Notes:

From the Joomla administrator in the JomComment basic settings screen, you must enable the option, "Enable support for 3rd party component" in order for the JomComment plugin to operate correctly.