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(Coming Soon)

"Sign Me Up!" Uses Zap Calendar to manage events.  To create a sign-up page, either edit an existing event or create a new event.  If creating a new event, make sure you enter at least a title, at least one category and the start and end date of the event.

Enable Sign-Ups for an Event

The following sign-up parameters are available when creating or editing an event:


signup params

Allow Sign-ups: Set this to "Yes" to enable sign-ups and allow users to sign-up for items for this event.

Send Reminder (days): This will automatically send an e-mail reminder to those who have signed-up prior to the event with a list of sign-up items.

E-mail Me After Sign-up: If enabled, the event owner/organizer will receive an e-mail when a user has signed up for an item.

Sign-up By: The sign-ups will close on this date.  If blank, the event start date will be used as the close date.

Include Phone #: You can optionally add a phone number field to the sign-up.  If enabled, the phone number can be set as an optional or required field for the sign-up.

Show Sign-up Names: If enabled, the list of people who have signed up for each item will be displayed on the event page.  If disabled, only the event owner will be able to see the list of sign-up names.

Save the event to enable the settings.

Manage Sign-up Items

Once sign-ups are enabled for an event, sign-up items can be added to the event.  You must be the event owner/planner or and administrator to create sign-up items, and sign-up items can only be managed from the front-end.

 Click the "Add Item" button on the page, where you can enter the following information about your sign-up:

signup add item

 Name: The name of the item to sign-up (required)

Quantity: Enter the amount of items that are available for sign-up (required)

Limit: Enter a limit of the number of items a user can bring for this item. If blank, then no limit is set, other than the current quantity remaining.

Description: Enter a description about this item

Display: Set this to hide if you wish to temporarily hide this item from sign-ups.  You can change the display setting later.

Click the "Add Item" to add the item for sign-up. You can re-order items by clicking and dragging them up or down.

Custom Field Name: To add a custom text field or select list, enter a name for the field here.

Custom Field Options: To create a select list, enter a comma separated list of items.  For example, a shirt size selection could be entered as "Small,Medium,Large, X-Large".  If left blank, the custom field will act as a text field.

Custom Field Input Required?: Set to "Yes" to require the user to enter a value here.


Invite Friends

 Click the Invite Friends button on the page to display the box to send invites to your sign-up page:

signup invite

Enter a list of e-mail addresses you want to send the invite to, then click the "Send Invite" button to send the e-mail invites.  Use the Friend Lists feature to keep lists of friends to re-use for future sign-up pages.

(Note: the administrator must enable the cron job feature for this feature to work)

Sign Up!

If enabled, event owners will receive an automatic e-mail when a person signs-up for an item. Owners can also edit or delete sign-ups created by others.

If enabled, users will receive a reminder e-mail prior to the event with a summary of their sign-up items.


Export Sign-Up Data

You can export the sign-up data at any time to either an Excel or CSV file. Click the "Excel" or "CSV" link to download the data.