
So this is my first blog post. I have been meaning to start a blog on Z Content for quite a while, and now since I just upgraded the Z Content website, I thought this would be a good time to start one.  By the way, in case you have not noticed (or you are a new visitor to the site), the Z Content website just went through a major upgrade.  The previous site had been running Joomla 1.5 for several years, so it was time for an upgrade to Joomla 2.5.  In addition to the upgrade to Joomla 2.5, the site's extensions were updated too.  The site also uses a new responsive template, which means it adapts to display screens of various sizes, including tablets and smart phones. Portrait mode or landscape mode, the site should still look nice on the screen.

The site's menu layout has been modified a bit, but it should not be too much of a change for seasoned users.  Downloads for subscribers are still available from the Zap Store (oh how I like that name!).

I used J2XML to transfer the articles and users from one site to another.  For other extensions, I used a straight SQL export/import with a table prefix change from the standard "jos_" prefix in Joomla 1.5 to a new extension.  J2XML worked pretty well, except that nearly all of the links within the articles were broken after the transfer (I still think it is the best method, though).  The site is still being tweeked a bit, and I am still looking for broken article links from the migration.  If you find any, please send a note to me via the "Contact" link at the top of the page.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more news, info and ramblings on this blog.