zcontent200Zap Calendar and Zap Weather, Z Content's calendar and weather applications for Joomla, were recently updated.  Zap Calendar version 4.0.4 includes several new add-ons, as well as enhancements to the front-end display and back-end functions.  The new add-ons include:

  • Comment - allow users to comment on events
  • Recent Comments - A module displaying the most recent comments
  • Zap Article - Link a Joomla article with an event by displaying a button link in the article to the event
  • AcyMailing - If you use AcyMailing, this plugin will allow you to include Zap Calendar events in your AcyMailing newsletter
  • Facebook Like - With this plugin, users can now "like" your events on Facebook

Front end enhancements include improvements to the popup event window (and switching from MooTools to jQuery libraries) and links to events shown in the upcoming events listing.  Back end enhancements include RSS feeds and private iCalendar URL feeds (to use when you want to allow export of your calendar to select people only). For a complete list of enhancements and fixes, you can read the Zap Calendar 4.0 change log.

Zap Weather has also been updated to fix a "duplicate key" error when installing the previous version.  A plugin was also recently released for Zap Calendar 4.0 that will show weather forecast information from Zap Weather in your calendar.  Google recently dropped support for their Google weather API.  This means the Google Weather plugin for Zap Calendar will no longer function and the Zap Weather plugin is now the only weather plugin supported for Zap Calendar.

You can find out more information on these products by visiting ZapCalendar.com and ZapWeather.com . While visiting, please "like us" on Facebook to receive the latest news on these products.