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Announcements for Zap Calendar users

TOPIC: Zap Calendar 3.0 Change Log

Zap Calendar 3.0 Change Log 12 years 5 months ago #2696

  • cogliano
  • cogliano's Avatar
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Zap Calendar version 3 supports Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5 (Joomla 3.0 is not supported at this time). Zap Calendar is available for download by all current subscribers from the Zap Store at

Release 3.0.33
Released April 21, 2013
Component: Enhancement: added location option to sequential events screen
Component: Fix: Location chooser now closes automatically after selecting a location.
Component: Fix: Fancy and fancy box upcoming format now looks at date/time format from view and will now show full description if description length set to "-1".

Release 3.0.32
Released April 13, 2013
Component Enhancement: New version check can now be turned off from Zap Calendar Global Settings
Google Maps Plugin: Now shipping with 3.1.0 version of Google Maps plugin, which includes support for API V3.
Google Maps Plugin Fix: Wheel scroll option now works, custom icons are now clickable in map.

Release 3.0.31
Released March 11, 2013
Component fix: fixed timezone calculation to local time when importing icalendar data.
icalsubscribe plugin fix: fixed timezone calculation to local time synchronizing data.
Component fix: fixed issue with duplicate asset_id error when upgrading database.
Component fix: new admin tools option to fix database after a Joomla migration.
Component fix: fixed issue with popup month browser when not in AJAX mode.
Controller module fix: added missing module parameters.

Release 3.0.30
Released January 27, 2013
Component Fix: Fixed upgrade process when migrating from Joomla 1.5 and Joomla migration added asset_id fields.
Component Fix: ACL fixes for event display in calendar.
Component Enhancement: icalendar export now supports foreign language characters.

Release 3.0.29
Released January 14, 2013
Component Enhancement: Added owner field to eventlink template form.
Component Fix: fixed time issue of imported event from CiviCRM icalendar feed.
Icalsubscribe Plugin: fixed time issue of synchronized event from CiviCRM icalendar feed.
Monthheader Plugin: fixed CSS issues when year display was enabled.

Release 3.0.28
Released December 23, 2012
Component fix: default upcoming item list is no longer a fixed width.

Release 3.0.27
Released December 18, 2012
Component fix: unbalanced tags in upcomingitem.tpl
Component enhancement: upcoming event calendar icons are now darker for some themes.
Component fix: multiple theme support when multiple modules are on the same page.

Release 3.0.26
Released December 17, 2012
Component enhancement: added upcoming form list to quick view in view manager.
Component enhancement: added several default settings to quick view in view manger for upcoming views.
Component enhancement: upcoming form type is now a select box
Component enhancement: CSS changes to upcoming form types
Component fix: different upcoming list form types can now be used on the same page
Component fix: Multiple themes now honored when multiple Zap Calendar modules are present on the same page.
Search plugin fix: search plugin now works correctly.

Release 3.0.25
Released December 5, 2012
Component Fix: re-import of event with changed date/time does not create two events
icalsubscribe Plugin: re-sync of event with changed date/time does not create two events
Component Fix: fix to date range defaults when global options have not yet been saved

Release 3.0.24
Released November 25, 2012
Component New: enhanced fancy format of upcoming list, uses rounded corners and shadow if browser supports it.
Component New: new/enhanced upcoming list formats: fancy and fancybox
Component Fix: backend import now recognizes default date range if none specified.
Component Fix: London timezone now recognizes British Summer Time.
Component Fix: Fixed issue with recurring date when using day of week repeating date.
Component Fix: Fixed saving of phone and website field values in location editor.

Release 3.0.23
Released October 22, 2012
Component Fix: CSS fix to center date in fancy upcoming template for some templates
Component Fix: Forms now use correct language.
Component Fix, Monthheader Plugin Fix: Fixed issue with AJAX mode when running on GoDaddy hosted websites (maybe others too).

Release 3.0.22
Released September 28, 2012
Fixed error when clicking on calendar download link, affects Joomla 1.6 and above

Release 3.0.21
Released September 13, 2012
Component fix: categories are now checked in correctly when using the category editor in the back-end.
Component fix: fixed menu selection of Zap Calendar items, should now work in both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 and above.
Component enhancement: modified calendar CSS to work better with dark themed Joomla templates.
Component enhancement: upcoming item template file (upcomingitem.tpl) now supports variables for location [location], event id [eid] and unique event id [uid].
Component enhancement: A recent events view can now be created by using a negative day count in an upcoming view.
Component enhancement: The show event template file (showevent.tpl) now supports variables for event id [eid] and unique event id [uid].
RSVP plugin fix: removed debug statement displayed in Joomla 1.5 installations.

Release 3.0.20
Released August 28, 2012
Component: In the event editor, a colon is now automatically put in the event time when 3 or 4 digits are entered for military time.
Component: re-added metadata.xml to package, required for Joomla 1.5 and back-end menu settings. Fix: Component: icalendar export now recognizes global settings in Joomla 1.5, including export of timezone info and adding of footer to e...
Language: added for use with Joomla menu manager add event and location menu items now work correctly in Joomla 1.5 Fixed event ACL issues with Joomla 1.5 RSS feed now recognizes event links to articles and external URL's.
Component: Fixed ical import issue from MS Outlook (timezone issue)
icalsubscribe plugin: Fixed ical import issue from MS Outlook (timezone issue)
Component: Front end category chooser now correctly checks ACL in Joomla 1.6+
Component: Fixed bug in string to event parser when 2 event times were included (used in quickaddevent module)
Component: Front end category controller now correctly checks ACL in Joomla 1.6+

Release 3.0.19
Released August 8, 2012
component: Language added for use with Joomla menu manager
component: add event and location menu items now work correctly in Joomla 1.5
component: Fixed event ACL issues with Joomla 1.5
component: RSS feed now recognizes event links to articles and external URL's.
component: Fixed ical import issue from MS Outlook (timezone issue)
icalsubscribe plugin: Fixed ical import issue from MS Outlook (timezone issue)
component: Front end category chooser now correctly checks ACL in Joomla 1.6+
component: Fixed bug in string to event parser when 2 event times were included (used in quickaddevent module)
component: Front end category controller now correctly checks ACL in Joomla 1.6+

Released June 4, 2012
Fix: Search plugin now supports multiple selection of categories.

Release 3.0.18
Released May 31, 2012
Fix: popup window now works for events in upcoming fancy form.
Fix: removed warning that may appear when there are no events in the calendar.
Fix: "requires approval" feature now works when creating events.
Fix: fixed bug with event editing permissions.
Fix: transparent field now saved properly in front end editor.
Fix: timezone is now displayed in front-end event.

Release 3.0.17
Released May 27, 2012
Fix: component now supports updating of events through cron using new global setting.
Enhancement: added [eventdatenorepeat] to list of form variables in shareevent.tpl
Fix: Facebook Like plugin: Now supports https Joomla sites
Fix: icalsubscribe plugin: IP allow from cron job field moved to component
New: Xmap plugin (pro version)

Release 3.0.16
Released May 16, 2012
Fix: Modal windows in front-end now use template CSS.
Fix: Fixed Javascript error when repeating event was not enabled in front-end.
Fix: monthheader plugin: Fixed issue with month links.
Fix: search plugin: Multiple categories can now be selected for searches.

Release 3.0.15
Released May 9, 2012
Fix: CSV imported events are now set to public access for all supported Joomla versions.
Fix: Creating repeating events in front end now works
Fix: Power icon in calendar display now works for sites where Joomla was not in the root domain.
Fix: Moved text labels to left side of corresponding radio button in front end event editor
Fix: There is no more flickering of the calendar when browsing month to month and the calendar was turned off with the power button.

Release 3.0.14
Released May 2, 2012
Fix: a "+" is no longer prepended to the beginning of the calendar end date when using an absolute date in the view settings.
Fix: modified framework of PHP forms
Fix: fixed error in author list for back-end location editor (Joomla 1.5 only)
Fix: fixed display of tree category controller where first line in multiline list was not fully populated.
Fix: added space between groups in tree category controller
Fix: fixed event popup CSS z-index setting that conflicted with some Joomla templates

Release 3.0.13
Released April 22, 2012
Enhancement: improved event date display in back-end event manager
Enhancement: front-end event editor now supports clicking text label for radio or check box buttons
Fix: foreign language support in event date display
Fix: various fixes to remove development message warnings
Fix: fix icalendar import of all day events
Fix: icalsubscribe plugin: fix icalendar sync of all day events
Fix: moreinfo plugin: fixed issue where enabling moreinfo plugin would create error in Zap Calendar back-end panel display (only occured when foreign language was enabled).

Release 3.0.12
Released April 17, 2012
Fix: timezone issue in icalendar import
Fix: fixed error when checking if event can be deleted (Joomla 1.5 only)
Fix: browse mode now works when AJAX mode is turned off
Fix: icalsubscribe plugin: all imported events now have access set to public
Fix: icalsubscribe plugin: Cron job URL's displayed in admin tools are now correct (

Release 3.0.11
Released April 16, 2012
Fix: Location editor now uses Joomla 1.6+ user field (Joomla 1.6+ only)
Fix: Location owner field now saves correctly for new locations
Fix: Deletion of calendar views in back-end now works correctly.
Fix: Access list now works for views
Fix: ical import timezone fixes
Fix: repeating event for yearly by day fixes
Fix: Added foreign language for back-end Zap Calendar menu setup
Fix: Update all events in a series nows works in front-end
Fix: Photo Header plugin: base path changed from "/images/stories" to "/images" to be compatible with all versions of Joomla
Fix: Photo Header plugin: when no images found, PHP errors are no longer displayed.
Fix: Location link in event no longer generates an SQL error in Joomla 1.6+
Fix: install error with Swedish language pack fixed.
Fix: unbalanced quotes fixed in language packs, which caused some strings to not translate

Release 3.0.10
Released April 8, 2012
Fix: clicking on public/registered/special in event item in event manager now works (Joomla 1.5 only)
Fix: When importing icalendar meetings, duration is now no longer 1 minute shorter than expected.
Fix: ical / ical subscribe import now recognizes timezone data in file if present.
Fix: When importing icalendar recurring meetings, the start and end time are now correct
Fix: RSS event feed now uses absolute URL's.
Fix: Fixed issue with language files with unbalanced quotes that caused some strings to not translate.
Fix: ical subscribe plugin: Events are now marked as public
Fix: ical subscribe plugin: When importing icalendar meetings, duration is now no longer 1 minute shorter than expected.

Release 3.0.9
Released April 2, 2012
Fix: Plugin manager link now goes to correct plugin folder in Joomla 1.6 and above.
New: Added new link option for events: None (does not show any link for event in a calendar).
New: Global "Edit" ACL option allows user to edit any event (use "Edit Own" if you wish to have the user edit their own events).
Fix: changed relative links to full URL's in RSS feed
Fix: RSS pubDate tag now works.
Fix: fixed install error with French and Swedish language packs

Release 3.0.8
Released March 28, 2012
New: "Delete Own" ACL option for events (Joomla 1.6 and above)
New: Use ACL for managing deleting events in front end in Joomla 1.6 and above
Fix: Repeating event fields in front end now display better
New: Support for start and end time display in monthly and weekly calendar (through customized form).
For more information on configuring front end editing of events using ACL's, see

Release 3.0.7
Released March 14, 2012
Fix: location display is now updated when selecting a new location in the front end.
Fix: fixed PHP 5.3 issue with location display.

Release 3.0.6
Released March 9, 2012
Fix: icon display in category editor now works when using Quick Add Event module
Fix: Category chooser now shows all categories enabled when running Joomla 1.5

Release 3.0.5
Released March 1, 2012
Fix: public export icon now shows correctly in back-end view screen in Joomla 1.5
Fix: location lookup modal window now closes after selecting a location in Joomla 1.5
Enhancement: enabling front-end editing of events now controlled by ACL (Joomla 1.6+)
Enhancement: category use in events now controlled by ACL (Joomla 1.6+)
Fix: Zap Article plugin: Fixed PHP 5.3 errors.
Fix: e-mail sent to event approver now includes correct URL
Fix: fixed missing timezone information when export calendar in time zones that do not use Daylight Savings Time
Fix: fixed missing "VERSION:2.0" line in iCalendar export.

Release 3.0.4
Released February 22, 2012
New: Share link for Twitter now includes event link
Fix: Non-English language files now have Twitter fix from version 3.0.3
Fix: Google Weather plugin's weather data was being cached too long.

Release 3.0.3
Released February 20, 2012
Fix: fixed image paths for back-end view manager when website is in a subdirectory
Fix: fixed display of plugin parameters in Joomla 1.6+
Fix: fixed JavaScript issue when Joomla 1.5 site had a newer MooTools library installed (from template, for example)
Fix: Twitter share now displays commas correctly.
Fix: Some location fields were not being saved.
Fix: location chooser was not working correctly in display of location
Fix: Comments in comment plugin were not posting correctly
Fix: typo in front-end add event causing error
Fix: modified CSS for month header plugin to fix font color issue with some templates.

Release 3.0.2
Released February 14, 2012
Fix: remove category now works
Fix: back-end quick view feature now works
Enhancement: relative dates now start at midnight; negative relative dates start at beginning of day, all others end at end of day.

Release 3.0.0
Released February 9, 2012
Fix: toolbar for plugins in Joomla 1.6+ now works.
Fix: automatic end time fill-in for events now works with Joomla 1.6+
Enhancement: using new Joomla 1.6 user selection tool for event owner
Fix: subscribe window now works in calendar front-end

Release Candidate 2
Released February 2, 2012
New: Quick Event module to quickly add events from the back-end.
Fix: Date issue with Quick Add function

Release Candidate 1
Released January 30, 2012
New: enhanced quick add event, now supports start and end date, start and end time, and European date format
New: password plugin for standard and pro versions
Fix: fixed remove event issue in back-end
Fix: fixed quick add event feature for 1.5 Joomla
Fix: PHP 5.3 issues in several plugins

Beta 10
Released January 22, 2012
Fix: Category editor now works with Joomla 1.5 sites
Fix: Fixed various radio buttons in event editor
New: Month header now has option to show multiple years with month display
New: French and Swedish languages now available
Fix: Specified event owner now saved correctly in back-end when creating a new event
Fix: Article link in event now uses SEF URL if SEF is enabled
Fix: Month and week views now display correctly in IE9
Fix: Fixed issue with popup month display when first month is not January
Fix: Themes changed to fix hover color of some links in calendar

Beta 9
Released December 19, 2011
New: Added ACL support.
Fix: Global settings now saved properly when running under Joomla 1.5.x
Fix: Check-in/check-out of locations and views now works correctly.
Fix: Location owner now saved correctly when creating a new location.
Fix: Location link in event details now works correctly.
Fix: Fixed error in RSVP plugin causing it not to work correctly.

Beta 8
Released November 18, 2011
Fix: links to articles in events now works in Joomla 1.6+ sites
Fix: location dialog now closes automatically when a location is picked.
Fix: RSS feed icon now displays in Joomla 1.6+ sites
Fix: MyRSVP module now correctly shows RSVP's in Joomla 1.6+
Fix: RSVP plugin now PHP 5.3 compatible
Fix: RSVP plugin now works correctly in Joomla 1.6+

Beta 7
Released November 4, 2011
Fix: Global settings now work correctly (introduced in beta 4)
Update: Worldwide timezone data updated
New: Form processor now supports PHP files as forms (in addition to data files)
New: New upcoming event form: fancy (PHP based form)
Fix: Fixed repeating event date description

Beta 6
Released October 27, 2011
Fix: selecting calendar or location as menu option now works.
Fix: Google Maps plugin: plugin now works when Joomla SEF mode is enabled and URL rewriting is disabled.

Beta 5
Released October 20, 2011
Fix: Global settings dialog now works (error introduced in beta 4).
Fix: Location titles with single or double quotes in the title now work.

Beta 4
Released October 18, 2011
Enhancement: location now displayed in popup event window
Fix: Fixed build issue with modules in beta 3, all modules should now work properly
Fix: Fixed PHP 5.3 issues in back-end and RSVP and comments plugins
Fix: sh404SEF compatibility now works (must also update Google Maps plugin)
Fix: Google Maps plugin fixed for sh404SEF

Beta 3
Released October 10, 2011
Enhancement: All plugins have been converted to version 3.
Enhancement: Facebook Like plugin is now displayed above event details instead of below.
Enhancement: photoheader plugin now allows month browsing by clicking to the left or right side of the photo. Click on center of photo to move to current month.
Fix: Back-end deletion of repeating events now shows delete event dialog box.
Fix: Event date now displays exceptions to repeating events correctly.
Enhancement: Error message is now displayed in view manager when there is no default view defined.
Fix: Front-end editing and deletion now works correctly.
Fix: Various global settings are now working correctly.
Fix: update v.2 plugin param settings for v.3 for in-place upgrading
Fix: pulling global options from zcalendar_config table instead of component table
Enhancement: JomSocial plugin: wall function now includes like and comment
New: MonthHeader plugin, used to display a horizontal list of clickable month names at top of calendar.
Fix: modified code to remove warning when running PHP 5.3
Fix: fixed issue with popup month chooser in front-end when view's starting month was not January
Fix: fixed ical import issue with event's time in a recurring event.
Enhancement: added BYSETPOS support from icalendar standard.
Fix: Fixed time issue in repeating meeting events.
Fix: Fixed problem with deleting events from front end.
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