
QR Code For A
Zap Calendar Event

Z Content just released its 30th add-on for Zap Calendar: The QR code plugin.  This plugin allows users to scan calendar events using a QR code scanner app on their phone to easily add the event to their calendar.  The QR code can contain the event title, date and time, location and the description of the event. QR codes can be printed or scanned directly from the web page.

This plugin is included starting in the 3.1.1 release of Zap Calendar Standard and Pro editions.  You will need to be running version 3.1.1 or later of Zap Calendar to use this plugin.

This is the third Zap Calendar add-on released since version 3.1 and brings the total add-ons available for Zap Calendar to 30.  The other recently released plugins are an e-mail reminder plugin (all versions), which automatically sends e-mail reminders to event owners prior to their event, and gravatar (Pro version only), which utilizes a user's avatar uploaded to gravatar.com (used with event owner field and with the comment and RSVP plugins).  The Zap Weather plugin was also recently updated to support Zap Weather version 8 and Joomla 2.5.